The Community Foundation of Orillia and Area currently manages over $24.0 million of Endowment Funds contributed by local donors to 44 different Funds. Our investment management fees are low and our rate of return has been consistently above market averages.

The Community Foundation of Orillia & Area seeks to facilitate charitable giving in accordance with a donor’s personal, financial, and philanthropic objectives.

We work with donors and their advisers to develop gifting strategies and to offer a variety of Fund options to suit different personal and philanthropic objectives.

While new funds can be set up, the following is a summary of the existing funds to which donors may direct their contributions:

Charitable Endowment Funds 2024

The Smart and Caring Communities Fund


Consistent with Governor General David Johnston’s goal for a smart and caring nation, our Smart & Caring Community Fund enables the Foundation to respond to the greatest needs of our community. Any local charity can apply and our grants committee makes decisions on how to achieve the greatest impact on the community


Donor Directed Funds

The W. Scott and Jean Tudhope Fund

This donor-advised fund was established by Scott and Jean Tudhope. The fund will grant annually at the direction of the donors.

The John Galt Endowment Fund

This fund will grant annually at the direction of the donor.

The Dale Family Fund

This donor-advised fund was established by the Peter Dale Family. The fund will grant annually at the direction of the donors.

The Brian Adams Endowment Fund

This donor-advised fund was established by Brian Adams. The fund will grant annually at the direction of the donor.

The Jim and Ruth Watt Fund

This fund was established by Jim and Ruth Watt and will grant at the direction of the donors.

The Jarvis Family Fund

This fund was established by the Jarvis family and will grant at the direction of the donors.

The Dykes Family Fund

This fund was established by the Dykes family and will grant at the direction of the donors.

The Varty Family Fund

This fund was established by the Vartyfamily and will grant at the direction of the donors.

Annalynn Faulkner Family Fund

This fund was established by Annalynn Faulkner and will grant at the direction of the donor.

Designated Funds

North Simcoe 4H Club Fund

This Fund was established as a tribute to Jack Mawdsley and Olive Mawdsley (Burton), long-term farmers and community role models in Oro Township.

YMCA Skid Watson Endowment Fund 

This fund was established by the YMCA to recognize and promote the legacy of an exceptional man, Skid Watson. This Fund will be used each year to assist those children, single parents, and adults that are in need of assistance with membership and program costs at the Orillia YMCA.

OSMH Foundation Doctor Recruitment Fund

This fund was established through contributions from Orillia Soldier’s Memorial Hospital Foundation to assist community groups in attracting doctors to establish practices in the Orillia area.

Couchiching Conservancy Land Stewardship Fund

This Stewardship Fund is an innovative province-wide partnership created to help our community care for the land we love, forever. The Couchiching Conservancy protects lands that are important to our community. The Stewardship Fund recognizes these lands need financial support to protect and preserve them in perpetuity.

Orillia Volunteer Firefighters Community Disaster Relief Fund

This fund was set up by the Orillia Volunteer Firefighters Association to assist local organizations and individuals that have been affected by a personal tragedy such as a devastating fire destroying their home or with a medical problem that may require them to travel great distances. This fund assists affected persons through the North Simcoe Victim Crisis Service, Salvation Army, and Canadian Red Cross.

Carol Ivey Victim Crisis Service Fund

This fund, established by Carol Ivey, will provide for an annual gift disbursed from its investment proceeds to support the ongoing administration and operating costs for North Simcoe Victim Crisis Services, in perpetuity.

The Orillia Vocal Ensemble Fund

This fund was established through the generosity of the estate of Rogers Andrews, founding president of the Orillia Vocal Ensemble. The initial purpose of the fund is to award the Roger Andrews Memorial Scholarship annually to a deserving post-secondary vocal or music student.

Big Brothers Big Sisters Fund

This designated endowment fund was established to support Big Brothers Big Sisters of Orillia and District as they provide child and youth mentoring programs which facilitate life-changing relationships that inspire and empower children and youth to reach their potential, both as individuals and citizens.

Orillia Museum of Art & History Fund

This endowment fund was established by the Orillia Museum of Art and History to support the ongoing work they do in the community.

St. Paul’s Centre Endowment Fund

This fund was established to support the ongoing St. Paul’s Centre – A Place of Gathering.

The Sharing Place Endowment Fund

This fund was established to support the ongoing operations of the Sharing Place Food Bank

The Orillia Fish and Game Conservation Club Endowment Fund

This fund was established to support the ongoing work of the organization in the community.

The Stephen Leacock Associates Fund

This fund was established to support the ongoing activities of the Stephen Leacock Associates

The Orillia Youth Centre Fund

This fund was established to support the work of the Orillia Youth Centre

The Lighthouse Fund

This fund was initiated by the Lighthouse Board to build a sustainable source of operating revenue

Mariposa House Hospice Fund

This fund was created through a donation from the Lily of the Valley Chapter #141 Order of the Eastern Star.

They Had a Dream Fund (Administration Endowment)

This Fund was established to support sustainability for operating and administration costs. It is named “They Had a Dream Fund” in honour of two of the Foundation’s founders, Mr. Jim Dykes and Mr. Ken Koyama.


Field of Interest Funds

The Patti Cox Memorial Children’s Fund

This fund was established to assist and support children and children’s activities in the Orillia area that focus mainly on personal development of children where the benefits arising from such personal development will last a lifetime.

The Patti Cox Memorial Senior’s Fund

This fund was established to assist and support seniors and senior’s activities in the Orillia area that focus on improving levels of independence and self-sufficiency of seniors.

Ontario Endowment For Children And Youth In Recreation Fund

The Community Foundation of Orillia & Area in partnership with the Province of Ontario established this fund to provide a stable, ongoing source of funding to address the recreational and cultural needs of young people. Some examples of the kinds of programs that will be considered for support are after-school cultural and recreation programs, community sports initiatives and neighbourhood playgrounds.

Casino Rama CREW Festive Fund 

This fund was established by the CREW at Casino Rama to help local non-profit groups during the winter festive season to supply the less fortunate with necessary items.


Managed Funds

Huronia Community Foundation Fund

This fund was established to enhance the investment of the HCF funds.

The Mariposa Folk Festival Fund

This fund was established to enhance the investment of MFF reserve funds.

Couchiching Conservancy Managed Fund

This fund was established to enhance the investment of long-term or endowment funds including the Heartwood Fund.

The Orillia Museum of Art and History Managed Fund

This fund was established to enhance the investment of OMAH reserve funds.

99 Lynx Squadron Air Cadets Fund

This fund was established to enhance the investment of 99 Lynx Squadron reserve funds.

The Orillia Fish and Game Conservation Club Managed Fund

This fund was established to enhance the investment of the Orillia Fish and Game CC reserve funds.

The Orillia Shriners Managed Fund

This fund was established to enhance the investment of the Orillia Shriners Club reserve funds.

St. Paul’s Managed Fund

This fund was established to enhance the investment of St. Paul’s reserve funds.

Magnetawan Land Trust Fund

This fund was established to enhance the investment of MLT reserve funds.

Orillia Minor Hockey Fund

This fund was established by a bequest from Mike Dodd.

Rainy Lake Conservancy Fund

This fund was established to enhance the investment of the RLC funds.


Scholarship Funds

Orillia Y’s Men Scholastic Award 

This fund was established by The Orillia Y’s Men’s Club in 2006, The fund recognizes strong academic achievement and community/school involvement. It provides a cash award for a total of four students: one graduate from each of the 3 high schools in Orillia.

Apprenticeship Bursary Fund

The Apprenticeship Bursary Fund was established to assist apprenticing students with their day-to-day costs so that they can focus on learning. The fund was set up by family and friends in memory of the late Robert Fletcher. The award will be provided to an apprentice who has is beginning, or is currently completing their HVAC, electrical or plumbing apprenticeship training and who is completing this training in either the geographical boundary served by the Community Foundation of Orillia and Area or in Muskoka, Ontario.

Tom Parish Scholarship Fund

This scholarship is given annually, in memory of the late Tom Parish, to an Orillia high school graduate who will be attending a college or university to continue studies in Tourism, Marine Biology, Business or Environmental studies.

Larsen Family Fund

This fund was established to grant the Fred J. Larsen Writer’s Award to a Twin Lakes Secondary School student and the Pat Larsen Memorial Bursary Award and the James Larsen Memorial Bursary Award to Orillia Secondary School students.